Welcome to Year 5/6 2024
Autumn Term!
In our class we are striving to be confident, healthy and ambitious individuals! We are developing our Growth Mindsets to enjoy and seek challenge.
This term our topic in Year 5/6 is 'Headlines'. We will be looking at the First News papers that will keep us updated on news around the world. We are also going to create our own Clwyd Newspaper to deliver around the community and plan to read some newspapers with the people in our local nursing home. This term we also have Harvest, The Pop Up Shop and our Christmas Concert to prepare for!
Here are some important reminders now we are in Year 5/6!
* Please remember to fill out the form on Dojo for your child to attend clubs.
* PE is on a Thursday (white top and black shorts).
* A HEALTHY snack and drink need to be provided daily, toast can be purchased on Toast Tuesdays. Please no crisps, chocolate, sweets or pop.
* Homework will be sent at the start of the term. It will be a grid of activities linked to our topic and you can pick them off and send us photos on Dojo!
* Please keep listening to us read and reading to us!
Currently planned trips:
Year 6 will have the opportunity to go to LLanmadoc in March 2025.
We will be going on various topic related trips this year, we are planning on working with some authors and journalists.
Mrs Minney
Pick a lesson and try some of the new resources.
Practice your times tables.
Look at the clips and pick an activity that you would like to complete.
What can you find out?
This is fantastic! Pick some and set yourself a challenge.
11.01.21 - Remember our TEAMs meeting @10:00am
Follow the link above, what can you find out. Create a power point, fact file or poster to display your information.
How is the information linked to our new topic?
Watch Newsround and tell me what is happening around the world!!!!!!!!
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
Follow this link and pick a maths lesson for every day.
1. Follow the links below.
2. Write a newspaper article about Pompeii.
3. Remember that you were there!!! Report on the horrific disaster.
4. Use word. Insert different fonts, sizes and pictures.
5. Click on layout at the top of the page and insert columns. This will help you with a newspaper layout.
6. Save in your hwb files and we will leave you a comment.
We look forward to reading these!!!!
Religions Around the World
Can you create fact files on all the worlds religions? What are their beliefs? Do they have holy books? What do they celebrate?
25.01.21 - Remember our meeting at 10:00 am
ALL work is now on TEAMs. You have assignments to view and complete by friday. Please make sure that you have followed the videos that were sent home through dojo.
Thank you
Weekly Spellings.
* See your list of spellings for this week. Can you write sentences using the words?
ALL WORK IS NOW ON TEAMS. Please see assignments for set work.
Thank you 😊
Pick a lesson and try some of the new resources.
Practice your times tables.
Look at the clips and pick an activity that you would like to complete.
What can you find out?
This is fantastic! Pick some and set yourself a challenge.
The 3rd Empathy Class Novel
JELLY by Jo Cotterill
Try ordering this book, The Miraculous Journey Edward Tulane
This is a link for a free audible trial on Amazon.
Its an amazing book!!!!!
This link will take you to test papers that the children can look at and have a go.
Academic Year 2019/2020
Welcome to year 5/6! Out topic this term is 'Our World, A time for change?' This topic allows children to explore their own ideas and the current world we live in. We use our Pupil Voice board to display all the children's ideas on this topic and what it means to them.
Keep up to date with our learning by visiting the site and reading the children's blogs.
WATER WORLD - 06.01.20
What are we going to learn about? The children have recorded their ideas and we have so many exciting things planned. We are going to look at types of water, its uses, sustainability, preserving water, Titanic, and much more. We have loads of trips organised and Welsh week will be amazing!!!! Cant wait.
Academic Year 2018-19
Welcome to Year 6!
Welcome to our year 6 page. We work very hard to be happy, healthy and active. We are preparing for SUCCESSFUL FUTURES!
Autumn Term - World War 2
We are visiting Gwili Railway on the 24th October, we will be travelling on a stream train to re-enact the journey of an evacuee.
In November, we will be watch 'Awful Auntie' by David Walliams, in the Grand Theatre. This is helping us to experience authors.
We are LOVING year 6 and we are very excited to watch the 'Awful Auntie'. We learnt so much these past 3 weeks, you could say we are fast learners!!! Last week, we researched so much about the Earth, Moon and the Sun. The Earth takes a year to orbit the Sun and it takes a month for the Moon to orbit the Earth. Mrs Minney, Miss Thomas and Mrs Lewis got very dizzy while demonstrating this!!! With Mr Ellis, we enlarged a part of a picture taken in WW2 for are art topic. -Harrison Shepherd
In Maths, we have been learning about mode, (the number that appears the most) mean (add the numbers and divide by how many there are) and median NOT medium (the number that is in the middle). During English lessons, we are learning about writing an information text based on our interests, e.g. WW2, Marvel, Fashion etc -Logan Lewis
In Topic, we have been working on our information writing skills. Right now we are writing one on Annelies Frank, we have written information about her diary. We can't wait for the Gwili railway trip next week and watching Aladdin in Dylan Thomas. Our first half term in year 6 has been fun packed and manic with ideas and activities!!!!! Can't wait for more!
-Harrison Shepherd
What a term!!!!!! We have learnt sooooo much about WW2. Its been very exciting. Our Gwili railway trip was really fun and it was great to find out how the evacuees felt, leaving their families. Mrs Minney asked all the parents to write a WW2 letter to say goodbye, and I think one of us started crying!! The letters were parents to their children leaving home. It was heart braking. Our Clwyd Pop Up shop is sadly closed but it was very successful. It was a great experience working in the shop and serving customers. We took it in turns and loved every single part.
Its Christmas time and we can't wait for our party, on Thursday. We have planned the food, games and music. Merry Christmas from Harrison Shepherd
Happy 2019, Yaaaay!!! We are learning about bodies of water, and how water get's to our house.
This term we are going to look at how water travels around our world, answering questions like
​​​​​​​We are also planning many different visits to learn from our experiences. In April, we are going to Rhossili Activity Centre, we cant wait!!!!! Hope we'll see some water there!
What do you know about the worlds bodies of water?
We are looking at water and the way it can be used to power our homes and the usage of water in different countries.
Our new topic is COOL stuff, like Bob Ross, photography and much more! In English we have started doing suspense writing, "WWWOOO!!!" and highlighting key features that makes suspense. With Maths we are measuring angles and probability, WHAT ARE THE ODDS?????? We're also going to the Purple Badger for our year 6 leavers party on the 11th July, we are so excited, its going to be a BLAST!!!
by Harrison Shepherd.
Are you ambitious, ethically minded, confident or all of these?
Last Friday was a blast! We went to Swansea University to talk about the importance of us going to university and how it's soooooooo much fun! Before, I didn't know anything about Swansea university but not only did I learn about it I also learnt about how exciting it is and the students were friendly. The entire class learnt about it including the teachers. In Topic, we are learning about discussion texts, should mobile phones be banned? and should children have pets? We have been looking at both sides of the question. The River Tawe boat trip was a splash! we sailed from the Marina to the Liberty Stadium and back. We learnt about the history of the river and the cooper industry. It was very interesting. We came back with loads of new facts about water! Did you know that the River Tawe would have been as busy as the M4!!!!!
Academic Year 2017-18
Welcome to Year 6!
Welcome to our year 6 page. We work very hard to be happy, healthy and active. We are preparing for SUCCESSFUL FUTURES!
Summer Term - Cool Stuff!
Year 6 Blog!!!!!
What we've been up to!!!!!!
We've been really busy revising and sitting our national tests. We have enjoyed preparing for London.We have also enjoyed practicing our songs for the leavers assembly. In English, we have been writing new policies for our comprehensive schools, this was great! We have really enjoyed learning about the best version of our selves in Science, now we need to follow the advice. In Art, we have been building different types of bridges with balsa wood with Mr Ellis and in our Art books, we have been drawing Banksy graffiti art.
Karleigh West and McKenzie Croucher
It's our last Summer term in Clwyd .We have been practicing our leavers assembly songs. We can't wait for London on the 10th of July. The teachers have been working hard to organise what we will be doing. We have spoken to Mr Brown about having a water fight. Some pupils in the class typed up a persuasive email. In English, we have been learning about Banksy art and Mrs Minney have been starting to record us having conversations about our thoughts behide the graffitti.
Karleigh West, Kacey Lewis and Kayla Vickers
English and Maths homework will be given out on Tuesday, due in by the flowing Monday. Spelling will be weekly.
There is so much organised for this term, it's going to be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!
Can't wait.