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Grow together, Play together, Learn together, Achieve together

Year 1 (MrsThomas)

Welcome to Year 1 Thomas 2024-2025


We are very excited for the academic year a head.  The team working in Year 1 this year is:

Mrs Thomas (Class teacher Monday-Thursday) Ms Richmond (Class teacher on Friday), Mrs Rice (Teaching assistant) and Miss Roberts (Teaching assistant)


In our class we are striving to be creative, confident and ambitious individuals! We are developing our Growth Mindsets to help us thrive during challenges.


General Information

School day: 8.40am – 3.00pm.

Uniform: There is an expectation that children wear school uniform. Royal blue jumper, white or yellow polo shirt and black trousers / joggers / leggings.

Fruit / snack: £1 a week or bring your own fruit daily.

Lunch: The children can either have school dinners or a packed lunch. ALL children are entitled to a free school meal. The termly menus can be found on the Swansea council webpage.

Homework: Children will have spellings sent home every Monday. Please practice these with your child at home, they will have a spelling test every Friday.

Your child will also have a reading book or key words sent home each week for you to practice with them at home .

Please make sure their books are returned to school every Friday to ensure we are able to read with your child. 

PE: The children will have a set PE day. They will need to come into school dressed suitably for PE. Black joggers/leggings and trainers. Our PE day is a Thursday

Dojo: We will continue to use dojo as a means of communication. You can let us know via dojo if your child is going to be off school for any reason.

Wellies: Please could your child bring a pair of wellies into school. These will stay in school. Forest school will be on a Tuesday.

Clothing: Please label all uniform, coats, bags and shoes!


         Any questions, please ask!

Our topic for the Spring Term is

My Home, Your Home


This term the pupils will be sharing information about their own homes, as well as learning about many different types of houses and home in this county and others. 

The pupils will also learn about houses and homes in the past. 
