Welcome to Year 1, Mrs Jenkins' class!
Here are the adults that work in our class:
General information:
School day: 8.50am – 3.00pm. The classroom doors open 8.40am.
Uniform: There is an expectation that children wear school uniform. A royal blue jumper, white or yellow polo shirt and black trousers / joggers / leggings. Please label all uniform, coats, bags and shoes!
Fruit/snack: School will provide a piece of fruit for 25p a day, or the children can bring their own fruit daily. On a Friday, we have 'Fun Friday Snack', such as toast, pancake, brioche, waffle, which is also 25p.
Lunch: The children can either have school dinners or a packed lunch. ALL children are entitled to a free school meal. The termly menus can be found on the Swansea council web page.
PE: Each class have a set PE day- our PE day is Wednesday. The children will need to come into school dressed suitably for PE, such as black joggers/leggings and trainers.
Forest School: Miss Richmond, our Forest School Teacher, takes our class to Forest School on a Wednesday morning, so please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothes and shoes on for this day.
Dojo: We use Dojo as a means of communication, posting photos and key information.
Wellies/ Clothing: Please send in a pair of wellies that will stay in school for the children to use when muddy.
Homework: The children are set Maths Seeds or Reading Eggs tasks they can complete at home. Weekly spellings are also sent out via Dojo.