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Grow together, Play together, Learn together, Achieve together

Year 3/4 Miss Eynon

Welcome to Year 3/4!

We are very excited for the academic year ahead.  The team working in

Year 3/4 E this year is:

Miss Eynon and Ms Jenkins.



Our topic for the Spring Term is

Deadly 60!


To begin this topic, we will look at a variety of the deadliest animals from around the world. We will interpret data, research facts and discover the locations of where these animals live. We will use our reasoning and estimation skills to learn more about the size and weight of deadly animals. Then we will use our Literacy skills to write information on our chosen deadly animals. We will use our learnt skills through our independent challenges every afternoon!


We plan to go on 'Deadly 60 trips', experience animal encounters and to get outdoors as much as possible! 


*** In Year 3/4 we are taking the lead in developing our new outdoor classroom - we can't wait to be able to show you this! 



General Information

School day: 8.50am – 3.05pm. Doors open 8.40


School Uniform: There is an expectation that children wear school uniform. Royal blue jumper, white or yellow polo shirt and black trousers / joggers / leggings. Please label all uniform, coats, bags and shoes!


Toast Tuesday and Thursday: 10p per item, 2 items per child. 


Lunch: The children can either have school dinners or a packed lunch. ALL children are entitled to a free school meal. The termly menus can be found on the Swansea council web page.


Homework: Children will have a new topic homework grid sent home at the start of a new topic. Alongside this please encourage your child to practise their Literacy and Numeracy skills on Reading Eggs, Maths Seeds, TT Rockstars and Spell Blast. Children will also have a new reading book, as required, for you to practice with them at home. Please make sure their books are returned to school every Monday to ensure we are able to read with your child throughout the week. 


PE: The children will have a set PE day. They will need to come into school dressed suitably for PE. White top, black joggers/leggings/shorts and trainers. Our PE day is a Thursday.


Forest school: We try to get outdoors as much as possible and will have a big push on this during Sprinf Term. Please send wellies in to be kept in school with names on. Please send coats in to school on colder and rainy days (and hats ect. when needed). 


Dojo: We will continue to use dojo as a means of communication. You can let us know via dojo if your child is going to be off school for any reason.


Coffee Shop: Friday mornings - 8:40am, Miss Eynon will be there on the 7/3/25, pop in for a chat or to ask anything!


Big Boc Bwyd: Open every Friday!


         Any questions, please ask!

New Topic for Year 3/4: Our wonderful world

Our new topic is "Our wonderful World" we launched this by going to experience our world visiting 3 different beaches where we completed sketching and fossil hunting. 


We will be learning about fossils as well as food chains, and life cycles. We will also be focusing on habitats and how we affect these. We will even be making our own fossils.


Keep an eye out for more updates as the topic progresses. 



Year 3/4 Teachers 
