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Grow together, Play together, Learn together, Achieve together

Year 3/4 (Mrs Lane)

Weekly Spellings - Please see Class Dojo to see which list you need to be learning.


Pick a lesson and try some of the new resources.

Practice your times tables.

Look at the clips and pick an activity that you would like to complete.

What can you find out?

This is fantastic! Pick some and set yourself a challenge.


Talk4Writing Activities - 05.01.21

11.01.21 - Remember our TEAMs meeting @10:30am

Follow the link above, what can you find out. Create a power point, fact file or poster to display your information.

How is the information linked to our new topic?


Watch Newsround and tell me what is happening around the world!!!!!!!!



Follow this link and pick a maths lesson for every day.

TALK4WRITING LITERACY PACK - work your way through the activities.

Book Hunt

18.01.21 - Remember our TEAMs meeting @10:30am


1. Follow the links below. 

2. Write a newspaper article about Pompeii.

3. Remember that you were there!!! Report on the horrific disaster. 

4. Use word. Insert different fonts, sizes and pictures.

5. Click on layout at the top of the page and insert columns. This will help you with a newspaper layout.

6. Save in your hwb files and we will leave you a comment.

We look forward to reading these!!!!

Religions Around the World 


Can you create fact files on all the worlds religions? What are their beliefs? Do they have holy books? What do they celebrate? 





Example of a Fact File

25.01.21 - Remember our meeting at 10:00 am


ALL work is now on TEAMs. You have assignments to view and complete by friday. Please make sure that you have followed the videos that were sent home through dojo. 

Thank you 

Weekly Spellings.

* See your list of spellings for this week. Can you write sentences using the words?




ALL WORK IS NOW ON TEAMS. Please see assignments for set work. 
Thank you 😊 


Pick a lesson and try some of the new resources.

Practice your times tables.

Look at the clips and pick an activity that you would like to complete.

What can you find out?

Pick a lesson and challenge yourself.

Academic Year 2019-20


Work for 13.07.20

Work for 06.07.20

Maths Problems

Pobble 365 Activities

Work for 29.06.20

Work for 22.06.20

Work for 14th June 2020

Work for 18.05.2020

Work for 11th May 2020


The 3rd Empathy Class Novel 

JELLY by Jo Cotterill

LOOK AT THIS - 04.05.20

Work for week 20th April 2020 - 27th April 2020


Corona Virus: Please find below ideas for work on our current topics. Remember you can send/ask anything via Class Dojo.

ELLA ON THE OUTSIDE -------------------------EMPATHY NOMINATIONS - Can you nominate a character from the book that showed the most empathy?

Our next class novel


Try ordering this book,  The Miraculous Journey Edward Tulane

This is a link for a free audible trial on Amazon.

Its an amazing book!!!!!


Practise Tests


This link will take you to test papers that the children can look at and have a go.

Welcome to Year 5/6


In our class we are striving to be confident, healthy and ambitious individuals! We are developing our Growth Mindsets to enjoy and seek challenge. 


Yr 5/6 blog, Feb/March 2020

Wow we have had some busy, fun weeks! We have had porpoise week - where developed many skills, accessing lots of different workshops and activities. Some of our favourites were 'animal encounter' - where we were able to see and hold some exotic, endangered animals! We also loved working with David the author and interviewing welsh sports stars like James Hook and Lee Trundle.


We have just had Welsh Week, we focused on the town of Aberfan and the Welsh legend, Sir Tom Jones. We performed our class assembly and really enjoyed telling our parents all about this fun week learning about our culture and country. We used our Empathy skills to look at some of the stories from the disaster of Aberfan and looked at different people's perspectives.


Year 5/6 Blog!

Happy new year! We can't believe it's 2020! Our topic this term is Water World. We have just started exploring our ideas and deciding what we'd like to learn about. I really like the Titanic idea!

Molly, Year 6



Year 5/6 Blog!

" Our topic this term has been World War 2. This has been one of my favourite topics ever because I love learning about the soldiers and the evacuees. The story of Anne Frank is the most interesting and I can't wait to read her diary. We went on a trip to the museum where we saw so many items from the war and learnt so much! "

Izzy, Year 6




Here are some important reminders now we are in Year 5/6!

* Our PE day is Wednesday. Please ensure children have their PE Kit of black bottoms and white top.

* Our homework days are Tuesday and Thursday.

* Please keep listening to us read and reading to us, our reading day is Friday (please return books and reading diaries on this day)


Thank you, 

Mrs Edmunds and Miss Salway


