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Pop-Up Shop

We are very proud of our first Pop up shop. Over the years we have developed this concept and worked with the pupils to develop their entrepreneurial thinking.

On The News! Clwyd Pop Up Shop 2019.

We are running the Pop Up Shop for the second year. Please come down to say hello and make a few Christmas purchases!


Pop-Up Shop 2018

Shop open from 19th to 30th November 2018.


On November 19th, Clwyd Staff and Pupils opened the doors to a pop-up shop in the community. Everyone will take turns to run the shop from 8am to 4pm. This is a great opportunity for the children to learn some real-life skills in a meaningful and memorable way. 


Clwyd Pop-Up Shop on ITV News

The staff and children of Clwyd Community Primary School opened a pop-up shop in the locality during November. It has been a great opportunity for the children to learn life skills in a meaningful way. We were fortunate to be featured on the ITV Wales News on November 26th 2018.

Photographs of the Shop