Home Page

Grow together, Play together, Learn together, Achieve together

Willow (Mrs Norman)

Willow- Staff


Mrs Norman

Miss Mainwaring (M)

Miss Davies

Miss Morris

Miss Smith

Weekly reminders for Mrs Normans class

-Snack money £1.50 to be paid to the class teacher

- Swimming £1 per session to be paid on IPay



Visit to Phoenix Cafe and park

PE for children in Y2



PE for children in Y1/2


Reading - please return your books


PE for children in Y3


School Tea-Rex cafe

Soft play

Autumn Term 2024

Summer Term 2024

Children's Mental Health Week 1st -5th Feb 2021



Happy New Year! Obviously we are not starting the year the way we had planned or hoped we would be. However I will continue to provide daily tasks for your child to complete on Class Dojo, additional ideas will be posted here. Don't forget our Monday and Friday check in sessions on Teams at 10.30am. Please also use your Reading eggs and Maths Seeds logins and don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any other support.


Take care heart

Our topic for the rest of the term is

'Once Upon a Time'

try out some of these extra activities

Our topic for the next 2 weeks is Winter.

You may try any of these additional activities alongside your daily challenge on Class Dojo.


Additional activities for Spring 2021
Home learning photo gallery 

Christmas Activity Ideas 2020


Here are some ideas for you to carry out over the next few weeks if you wish. Don't forget you have your login details and a workbook if you want extra activities and I will still post a daily challenge on ClassDojo. 


Merry Christmas smiley

SUMMER 2020- 


I can't believe we've come to the end of the school year! I've posted some activities if you want some ideas for over the Summer break. I also wanted to thank you all for being so supportive this year, it wasn't the end of the year we wanted and no one could have imagined it would have ended this way! Enjoy the Summer break, I'll be in touch with those who have signed up for the fun days nearer the time. Thank you again and take care.

Summer Term 2020  


Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine. 

I will continue to send activities home daily via Class Dojo, following the timetable below.  Don't forget to send photos of your child carrying out the activities so that I can give them Class Dojo points. 

I will also add any additional activities that will help your child on here so please keep checking. If you have any questions or concerns, please Dojo and I will get straight back to you. 


Take care heart


Mrs Norman.

Summer Term, home learning gallery

Summer Term 2020 timetable

Summer Term- additional activity ideas

Coronavirus Update.


While your child is off from school, we ask that you spend some time each day with them doing 1 of the recommended activities. Also check Class Dojo daily as a learning challenge will be posted there. Keep sending us your photos, we love to see you. Thank you and stay safe.

Home Learning Photo Gallery.


Academic Year 2019-20


Class reminders


* PE  (Y1 & 2) is on a Tuesday 

* Swimming on a Wednesday

* PE  (Rec) is on a Thursday

* Homework and library books go home on a Friday


World Book Day

Spring Term

Autumn Term

Academic Year 2018-19


Class reminders:

*P.E. is now on a Monday for Reception children

Tuesday - Homework to be returned

Wednesday- Swimming

*P.E. is now on a Wednesday for the other children

Thursday- Soft Play

Friday- Homework goes home.


We enjoyed a busy Spring Term and we are looking forward to a fun filled Summer Term

We are enjoying our work on The Three Little Pigs

Academic Year 2017-18




Class reminders:

*P.E. is now on a Monday

Tuesday - Homework to be returned

Wednesday- Swimming 

Thursday- Soft Play

Friday- Homework goes home.


Thank you.

Our new outdoor area is taking shape and we hope to be able to use it in the very near future.

We've had a busy start to the Summer term.
