Lunch Price
The cost of a school lunch is £2.40 each. There must be money on the account before a meal is given to your child.
Lunch Payments (iPay)
The Local Authority completes payments using a cashless system called iPayImpact. Letters have been sent out for parents to register as you will need to put money onto an account in order to pay for lunch. This is now practice across the whole Swansea county. Please register on the iPayImpact website.
If you have any difficulty, please visit the school office.
It is important that you register even if you receive Free School Meals because the system is also used for school trip payments.
School Trips
All trips and visits are paid via iPay two days before the day. If you need support setting up an account, please see the school office.
Top Ups
Please ensure iPay is kept topped up as it is the Local Authority Policy to have 'no debt'. Also, if your iPay account is not topped up, it will not let us order a meal for your child which is a situation we would all like to avoid. Thank you.