Welcome to Maple Tree Class!
Croeso i Ddosbarth Goeden Masarn!
Meet our Team -
Mrs Butler
Miss Richmond
Mr Judd-Bendle (Judd)
Miss Begley
Miss Jorgensen (J)
Mrs Williams
Daily Things to Remember -
* Monday - Snack money - £1.50, Photos to share during new session, Bus ride & visit to the park
* Tuesday - Swimming
* Wednesday -Soft Play & Light Room
* Thursday -
* Friday - Cafe Tee-Rex, Sensory Room
Please remember that we want to continue making this a happy and enjoyable year for your child and family. Please do not hesitate in speaking with us in the yard (before school or after school) or send us a message via Class Dojo.
Mrs Butler
Spring Term 2021
Happy New Year!
We hope that you are all safe and that you have had a lovely Christmas.
We are all ready to start the new term but along with you, we are currently awaiting for government guidelines. As soon as we hear anything, we will let you know! In the meantime, we will be sending daily activities following the programme below, for you to do with your child via Class Dojo. Along with additional activities on our class page, so keep checking!
Please send us photos of your children carrying out the activities as they always make us smile!
Stay safe and keep in touch!
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Day |
Activity |
Focus |
Monday |
Multisensory Monday
Literacy: Nursery Rhymes & Stories |
Tuesday |
Tunes on Tuesday
Numeracy: Number songs |
Wednesday |
Welly Wednesday
Outside Activities OT - Gross Motor Skills |
Thursday |
Tuck in on Thursday
Cooking/ Life Skills |
Friday |
Fine Motor Skills Friday
OT – Fine Motor Skills |
Live Lessons
Live lessons begin - 11.1.2021
* Mondays with Mrs Butler - To check in and find out what we are going to be learning about each week
* Fridays with Mrs Bowyer - To check in and celebrate all the children's hard work through the week!
Please join us through Teams. The link has been sent to you via Class Dojo. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Additional Ideas and helpful tips for you to do at home with your child!
Excellent ideas and activities here to help develop your child's proprioception Skills - Youtube.com - Proprioception Toys and Activities for the Young Child.
I will share the link on Class Dojo. Have a look!
* Facebook - 'Love Autism'.
They have just posted ideas to help build a routine at home. Have a look for ideas!
Weekly Planning
Our theme this term is
'Once Upon a Time'
Your child's work will be added here (weekly) aswell as Class Dojo (daily) along with any resources that can help your child at home. Please keep checking!
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable 11th/12th Feb 2021
Topic theme– 3 Little Pigs.
Day |
Activity |
Thursday Tuck in on Thursday
Mr Wolf loves pancakes. You can watch a version of his story on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXQDiqHp-xM
It’s pancake day next week during half term. Can you make some pancakes at home? What toppings will you put on them?
I bet they will be delicious! Take some photos before you gobble them all up.
Friday Fine Motor Skills Friday |
The 3 Little Pigs worked hard to build and helped one another. Can you help an adult with jobs around the house…
Washing up? Drying pots? Hoovering? Dusting? Washing? Putting clothes away? Tidying up? Making your bed?
What other jobs can you think of to help with?
Dojo pictures of you doing this and have fun!
ASDI Home School Work (DB)
Week beginning: 8.2.2021
* Chinese New Year – Friday Feb 12th *
Day |
Activity |
Multisensory Monday
* Live Lesson @ 10am * Can you wear something that is red? If not, can you show me something that is red?
* Makaton Sign for ‘Chinese New Year’
* Makaton sign for ‘Dragon’
* Makaton sign for our lucky colour of the week – ‘Red’
* Daily Activity – Cbeebies – ‘Let’s Celebrate Chinese New Year’
Ideas for today’s activities - * Draw a picture using red mark making tools. * Make a collage, only using the colour red. * Use cutters to cut out different shapes in red playdough. * Make a Chinese dragon out of recycling materials |
Tunes on Tuesday (number) |
Cbeebies Chinese New Year Story -
* Make a number line with your grown up 1 - 10 using our Chinese New Year pictures See below for the Chinese Ney Year animal numbers PDF. Or, if you prefer you can write numbers to 10 on pieces of paper and for your child to put in the right order 1>10 |
Welly Wednesday |
* Indoor movement – ‘Chinese Dragon Dance for Children’ –
You could even play the drum, a tambourine or bang saucepans to make your own Chinese music whilst doing the dance!
* Activity – If you go in the garden or to the park with your grown up. Can you stomp like a Dragon? Can you take giant steps like a Dragon? Can you turn around like a Dragon? Can you run fast like a Dragon?
* As our lucky colour this week is 'Red' - Can you fins anything that is red when you are out on your walk?
Have Fun and send us your photos! |
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable (NB) 4th/5th Feb 2021
Focus: Happy! (Mental health week)
Thursday Tuck in on Thursday
This week we are focussing on what makes us Happy.
So I would like you to make and/or tuck into your favourite food.
It could be jam on toast, cake, a picnic, cheese sandwiches …whatever you like!
My favourite is pizza! This makes me happy!!!
Have fun and enjoy!
Friday Fine Motor Skills Friday |
Warm up your funky fingers (You will need playdough or something similar) today by joining in with Dough Disco ‘If Your Happy and You Know It’ (You Tube)
Can you paint a happy face today?
Use a paintbrush to paint a face with hair, eyes, nose and a mouth.
Make sure you include a big smile! Please dojo your paintings as I can’t wait to see them J
** February 1st - 7th is Children's Mental Health Week **
We are going to be looking at things that make us feel happy this week. I am looking forward to seeing lots of happy faces in your photos, when you are doing these activities with your grown ups! Have Fun!
** Wednesday February 3rd is 'World Read Aloud Day' **
I have enclosed a link in my planning below of one of our favourite stories to listen to in class - 'We're Going on A Bear Hunt!'. It is read aloud and signed for you to enjoy!
ASDI Home School Work (DB)
Week beginning: 1.2.2021
Day |
Activity |
Multisensory Monday
* Live Lesson @ 10am * * Get your playdough ready! *
* Sign of the week – ‘Happy’
* Song – ‘If Your Happy and you know it’
* Daily Activity – Do something that make you feel happy – this could be paint a picture, build a model using Lego, play a game - taking it in turns with your mum or dad or brother or sister, go to the park, watch a favourite programme together. |
Tunes on Tuesday (number) |
Song – ‘Five Cherry Cakes in a Bakers shop’
* Bake something to share with your family. This could be a cake or cookies. Help your grown up to weigh the ingredients, stir the mixture, roll out the dough, etc. Then you can sit down and enjoy some of your yummy cake/cookies together. |
Welly Wednesday |
Indoor movement – ‘Happy Dance’
Song – ‘Two Little Dicky Birds’ * Today we are going to do something to make the birds feel happy. They find it hard to find food to eat during Winter so can you make them a bird feeder? You can hang it up in your garden where you can watch them enjoying their food. Here are some ideas to help you make your bird feeder- Easy Bird Feeders Kids Can Make - Crafts on Sea
* Don’t forget to put your coat, hat, scarf and gloves on when you go outside!
Take lots of photos! Have Fun!
* Finally, today is ‘World Read Aloud Day’ * Here is one of our favourite stories in class. It is read aloud and signed for you to enjoy together. Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/SingingHands/videos/767217127214409/
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable 28th/29th January 2021 (NB)
Topic theme– 3 Little Pigs.
If possible, can you read the story to your child or watch a version of it on You Tube.
Day |
Activity |
Thursday Tuck in on Thursday
Today we are going to make some pink icing, try mark making in the icing… can you trace ‘p’ for pig. Sensory Fun!!!
You will need … Icing sugar Pink or red food colouring
How to make… Mix together following the instructions on the pack of your icing sugar.
If you want to you could make a pig by spreading the icing onto a cracker or rice cake, use half strawberries for ears, slice of banana for the nose and chocolate buttons/raisins for eyes. Use whatever you want for the mouth!
Friday Fine Motor Skills Friday |
Go outside on a stick/twig hunt, collect some small/strong twigs ready to build a house for the 3 Little pigs.
When inside you could stick it together using glue, tape or blobs of playdough. Mud would work to stick them together if you want to stay outdoor to make it.
Dojo pictures of you doing this and have fun!
ASDI Home School Work (DB)
Week beginning: 25.1.2021
Day |
Activity |
Multisensory Monday
* Live Lesson @ 10am * * Get your counting fingers ready! *
* Sign of the week – ‘Snowman’ Also – Winter clothes – ‘Coat’, ‘Hat’, ‘Scarf’ and ‘Gloves’
* Peppa Pig episode – ‘Snow’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbKPdwBOPF8
* Song – ‘ I’m a Little Snowman’
* Daily Activity – Make a Melting Snowman Cookie |
Tunes on Tuesday (number) |
Song – ‘Winter counting song to 10’ Can you help your grown up say the number names to 10 in order?
We have practiced numbers 1 and 2. Can you show your child how to write number 3? Can you write numbers 1, 2 and 3 using your fingers in a tray of sugar or rice. * See Class Dojo for Number formation rhyme sheet. PDF Posted also on class page on website if you wish to print out. |
Welly Wednesday |
Indoor movement - ‘The Winter Hokey Pokey’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBYNtMyN_6E
* Go for a walk with your family. Don’t forget to put your coat, hat, scarf and gloves on!
* Collect bits and pieces when out and about. When you come back in, draw a snowman shape on a piece of paper then add arms, eyes, nose and mouth from things you found on your walk.
* Have a hot chocolate to warm up and then have a cuddle with your grown up and watch ‘The Snowman’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGmOiccZFJM
Take lots of photos! Have Fun! |
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable 21st/22nd January 2021(NB)
Day |
Activity |
Thursday Tuck in on Thursday
Today we are going to make a Rapunzel’s magical golden pasta. You will need … Spaghetti Sweetcorn Yellow peppers Grated cheese
How to make…
Friday Fine Motor Skills Friday |
Ask an adult to draw a tower of blocks for you, can you finger paint the blocks different colours? Dip your finger in the paint and press it onto a block within your tower. Alternatively, you can use a paint brush to paint the blocks of your tower.
Can you say/sign the colour names? Can you count the blocks?
If you don’t have any paints, you could build towers out of blocks or any household object i.e. boxes, toilet rolls, plastic tubs etc.
Dojo pictures of you doing this and have fun!
ASDI Home School Work (DB)
Week beginning: 18.1.2021
Day |
Activity |
Multisensory Monday
* Live Lesson @ 10am You need your hat, scarf and gloves to join in!
* Sign of the week – ‘Snowman’
* Song – ‘I’m a Little Snowman’ See song words on Class Dojo
Daily Activity – * To warm up your hands do ‘Dough Disco’ See You Tube for choice of songs. Our favourite in school is ‘If Your Happy and You Know it’.
* ‘Playdough Snowman Song’ See Song words on Class Dojo to help you make a playdough snowman |
Tunes on Tuesday (number) |
Song – ‘Five Little Snowmen Standing in a Line’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcrOGFkv5UM * We are practicing using our counting finger to touch each object/picture when we count (1-1 correspondence). Can you sing the song with your child. Help them to count the snowman using their counting finger to touch each snowman at the end of each verse. Encourage them to show the correct number of fingers during each verse. Ask your child ‘How many left?’ after each snowman has gone away. Can they show you that number of fingers? We wrote number 1 last week following the number rhyme. Can you show your child how to write number 2? Can you write big numbers 1 and 2 on the wall using chalk or using a paint brush and water outside? * See Class Dojo for Number formation rhyme sheet from last week. PDF Posted also on class page on website if you wish to print out. |
Welly Wednesday |
Song – ‘ Dance around the Snowman’ (See Class Dojo for song words)
* Life Skills – During lockdown we are going to work on our dressing skills. Can you help your child continue the challenge that we started last week? ‘The Coat Challenge’. As its cold, we need to wear our hats, scarves and gloves too! * Song – ‘The Mittens on My Hands’. Sing this song when getting ready to go on your walk. Adapt the words to sing ‘The hat on my head’ and ‘The scarf on my neck’ if you need to. (See Class Dojo for songs words)
Wrap up warm like Mr Tumble when its cold outside! Something Special winter song | Mr Tumble snow song- YouTube
* Go for a walk with your family. * Take a bag to collect a few nature things that you can see whilst out and about to make a ‘Frozen Sun Catcher’ Wonderful Wintertime Frozen Sun Catcher Ice Ornaments ⋆ Take Them Outside When you get home put those things in a bowl or dish and pour water on top. Leave outside in the garden over night and see what happens in the morning!
* Take photos of you on your Winter walk or you and your Frozen Sun Catcher and send them to us! Have Fun! |
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable 14th/15th January 2021
Topic Literacy theme – Rapunzel.
If possible, can you read the story to your child or watch a version of it on You Tube.
Day |
Activity |
Thursday Tuck in on Thursday
As we all know, Rapunzel is famous for her long hair. Can you create a Rapunzel spaghetti head? You will need to use spaghetti for the hair and can design the face however you want. For example, cucumber for eyes, cheese for the nose and a carrot stick for the mouth.
(Make sure an adult cuts up any food and ensure it is not a choking hazard before giving to children)
Friday Fine Motor Skills Friday |
Role play being a Hairdresser!
Using wool, paper or cooked spaghetti, you can style, plait, twist and cut into your own designs. You can add accessories such as bows and clips if you have any
(Adult to support with scissors if cutting)
ASDI Home School Work
Week beginning: 11.1.2021 (Mrs Butler)
Day |
Activity |
Multisensory Monday
* Sign of the week – ‘Winter’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx59StkygH8 * Song – ‘Made of Snow’ (See Class Dojo for song words) * Song - ‘ Here we go round the Mulberry Bush’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=fja5m4RI7Yc
* Activity – Mark making on coloured paper with ice cubes. Encourage your child to make lines left to right, top to bottom, circle or zig zags using ice cubes. |
Tunes on Tuesday (number) |
Song – ‘Five Little Snowmen’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrfCD9wjLUE
* Can you sing the song with your child. Help them to count the snowman using their counting finger to touch each snowman at the end of each verse. Encourage them to show the correct number of fingers during each verse. Ask your child ‘How many left?’ after each snowman has gone away. Can they show you that number of fingers? Can you show your child how to write number 1? * See Class Dojo for Number formation rhyme sheet. PDF Posted on class page on website.
Welly Wednesday |
Song – ‘ Dance around the Snowman’ (See Class Dojo for song words)
* Life Skills – ‘The Coat Challenge’ Can you help your child continue the challenge that we started last week?
* Go for a walk with your family. Can your child follow the leader? Can they move in different ways - run, jump, hop, skip, walk backwards? * Indoor movement activity – ‘Penguin Dance’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf0uKmKwnKs
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable 7th/8th January 2021
Topic Literacy theme – Rapunzel.
If possible, can you read the story to your child or watch a version of it on You Tube.
Day |
Activity |
Thursday Tuck in on Thursday
Create tower using fruit. You can balance the fruit, or use kebab sticks/straws. BBC good food shows you how to make fruit skewers… https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/rainbow-fruit-skewers
(Make sure an adult cuts up the fruit and ensure fruit is not a choking hazard before giving to children)
Friday Fine Motor Skills Friday |
Build Rapunzel’s tower using Lego/blocks or playdough.
If your tower falls down, build it again. If it stays standing, say ‘Ready, Steady, Go’… before knocking it down. Have fun! |
Morning! I hope you are all safe and well and ready to start the Spring Term!
Today is ‘Welly Wednesday’
Can you help your child learn how to put on their coat and pull their zip up as part of our ‘Coat Challenge’
Go for a walk together, take the dog too (if you have one).
On your walk can you collect some things (such as leaves and twigs, etc) to take home with you. When you get home make a picture with the things you collected – You could use playdough to help make a playdough person or a face or make a picture using glue.
Once you have finished your picture, have a hot chocolate and a snack then watch a TV programme or a film together.
Have fun and don’t forget to send us your pictures!
Mrs Butler
The STF Hubs opened today! It was nice to be 'back in school', even if it is in different circumstances. We did lots of fun activities!
Hi! We hope you have had a good summer holiday and are ready for as new term! We have missed the children and cannot wait to see them again! Here is all the information you need to know ready for returning to school. If you have any questions, please message on Class Dojo.
Mrs Butler
Summer Term 2020
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine.
We will continue to send activities home daily via Class Dojo, following the timetable below. Don't forget to send photos of your child carrying out the activities so that we can give them Class Dojo points.
We will also add any additional activities that will help your child on here so please keep checking. If you have an questions or concerns, please Dojo and we will get straight back to you.
Have Fun!
Mrs Butler & Mrs Bowyer.
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Day |
Activity |
Focus |
Monday |
Movement on Monday
OT – Gross Motor Skills |
Tuesday |
Tunes on Tuesday
Literacy: Nursery Rhymes Numeracy: Number songs |
Wednesday |
Welly Wednesday
Outside Activities |
Thursday |
Tuck in on Thursday
Cooking/ Life Skills |
Friday |
Fine Motor Skills Friday
OT – Fine Motor Skills |
As usual, we will be sending the daily activities are sent to parents via Class Dojo every morning but now we are going to be uploading the weekly activity planner every Monday morning aswell. This is so that you can see the week ahead at a glance. If you have any questions, please message on Dojo. Have fun and don't forget to send us your photos!
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning: 20.4.2020 (DB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills - * Go on a number hunt around the garden. When you find the number, can you copy it using chalk to write on the floor or the wall? * Can you do that number of jumps? Find a different number, can you do that number of claps? Find, a new number, can you do that number of ‘jelly wobbles’? etc. Extension – Can your child order the numbers to make a number line? Say the number name as you point to each number going forwards from 1>10, can they join in with you? |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language - * Sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider, Tommy Thumb and Wind the Bobbin up. If you are not sure of the words, go on Youtube. When singing, encourage your child to join in with the actions (they know these songs). Also leave the end word off each line so and wait for your child to make a vocalisation or say the word. If they are unable to say the word, they may look at you for you to say it. * New song & signs – Cbeebies Mr Tumble – ‘I can sing a Rainbow’. Encourage your child to join in with the signs. Parents - If you would like to learn the Makaton signs for colours yourself visit ‘Singing Hands’ – colours on Youtube. |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun - As we learnt the ‘Rainbow song’ yesterday. Go on a rainbow hunt around your garden. Can you find things that match the colours of the rainbow? Remember to sign the colours when you say the name of the colour. If your child finds that hard or, you want to extend the activity – Show your child a red car then have another red car hidden in the garden (nearby!) and say ‘Where same?’ When they find it say and sign the name of the colour. Repeat this with different coloured objects. |
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
Cooking & Life Skills - As we are learning about colours, can you make a fruit kebab? Encourage your child to touch the fruit to explore the different textures. Can they use a knife to cut the fruit up? If you have skewers, can your child put the fruit onto the skewer with hand over hand support? |
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Occupations Therapy: Fine Motor Skills – * Mark making using different colours. Sellotape felt pens to the back of your child’s toy cars. Put a large sheet of paper onto the floor. Encourage your child to drive the cars around as they would normally for them to make marks on the paper. Google ‘Messy Little Monster’ to see the photos for ideas (I will dojo them to you on Friday). * Explore coloured water play using clear containers so your child can see the colours when pouring. * Explore Jelly – Either by squeezing jelly to explore the texture or to catch jelly cubes in water with a table spoon. The children quite enjoy this one! |
ASDI Home Learning Jobs - 27th April (NB)
Movement Monday! - Play balloon tennis by tapping the balloon up into the air back and forth. Alternatively you can allow your child to explore and experiment with balloon play by hitting, kicking, catching and chasing the balloon. If you don't have any balloons in the house you can always use a ball to roll back and forth or play throw and catch. Count how many times you can tap the balloon/bounce the ball. See how high/far you can tap the balloon or throw the ball. Make a target e.g. hoop or bucket to thrown the ball / tap the balloon into it. Have fun and dojo some pics if you can.
Tunes on Tuesday- Sing '3 Naughty Monkeys Jumping on the Bed' You Tube singing hands to support with actions. Longer versions available with animation also on You Tube. Can you walk like a monkey? Talk like a monkey? Climb (safely) or swing like a monkey? Can you practise different kinds of jumps?
1 hop on each leg
2 jumps on the spot
3 jumps forwards as far as you can
4 big bouncy jumps
5 star jumps
Don't forget to dojo!
Welly Wednesday- Let's get exploring... can you go on a bug hunt in your garden? Look in the air for butterflies and bees, dig in the mud for wiggly worms, peep under rocks and plant pots for spiders and snails. You can use binoculars and a magnifying glass to help you explore. Post a picture of the creatures you find! My favourite is the ladybird... Can you spot one in your garden? Have a go at colouring in or drawing your favourite creature. If you have some paints handy you could find a rock and paint your favourite creature on it.
Tuck in Thursday- Make your own toast with chosen topping or have a Teddy Bears picnic (indoors or outdoors depending on the weather).
1. Sing song with actions 'Round and round the garden like a teddy bear'
2. For the picnic make choices of what you would like to eat and help to set up the picnic by putting things on plates or in bowls and pouring drinks (with support).
3. Find a favourite teddy to join you.
Fine Motor Friday-Today is all about Squeezing!
1. If you have any playdough at home... work on squashing and squeezing it! Go onto You Tube and follow 'Early Years Emily, If your happy and you know it'.
2. Get washing with a sponge (or cloth) and bubbles, can you squeeze the sponge and wash the pots? The car? Your dolly? or anything else that needs washing! Dojo pics of your sponge squeezing fun!
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning:4.5.2020 (DB)
*Focus for week - Midline exercises*
I have Dojo’d all parents the reasons why we Midline activities are so important.
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills – (Focus for week – Crossing the Midline) * Dance to happy music (with rhythm scarves if you want to, like we do in school). * Painting the wall or floor with a paintbrush or large paint roll & water. Can you help your Mammy and Daddy around the house? * Clean the table with a cloth, using one hand. * Dust or sweep the house. |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language - (Focus for week – Crossing the Midline) * Number song – ‘Five cherry cakes in a bakers shop’. You can find the song on You Tube to help you with the words. * Make 5 cakes out of playdough or draw 5 cakes on paper. * Give your child 5 x 1p coins so that they can exchange it for a cake, like they do in school. Grown up’s can be the shop keeper first then the child. All the children enjoy working on the till!! * Look at 1p coins. Can you see the number 1 on the coin? What shape is the coin? What colour is the coin? Can you hide 5 X 1p coins in a ball of playdough for your child to find? * Make rubbings of the coin using crayons * Help your little one to write numbers to 5 using different media either in or outside |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun – (Focus for week – Crossing the Midline) * Gardening * Washing car or windows in your house. * Water flowers in garden using a watering can or two hands on the hose pipe. * Squeeze water bottles using both hands to make marks on the floor/wall. |
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
Cooking & Life Skills – (Focus for week – Crossing the Midline) Sing ‘If Your Happy and You Know it’ do lots of action using your hands, to warm them up ready for cooking. Make a pizza (smiley face optional) Make a smiley face biscuit – Decorate a biscuit and make a smiley face on top. |
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Today is VE Day!!!
Can you wear red, white or blue clothes? Can you have a picnic in the garden with your family?
See separate attachment on our class page for activities for today. More importantly - Have fun together!
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning: 11 May 2020 (NB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Time for some Yoga with 'Cosmic Kids' on You Tube. Have a go at 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' Copy the actions on screen and just have a go at moving your body. If you would like to hear the story before hand, you can watch it on You Tube read by Eric Carle. |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Sing and dance to a range of mini beast rhymes. (Just move your body to the music)
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Can you go on a Daisy/Dandelion hunt in your garden/on your walk? Collect as many as you can in a bucket or container. Explore the flowers by looking, touching and smelling them. Can you arrange them in a pattern? Can you line them up side by side? |
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
If you enjoy making your toast, continue with that. If you have any jelly in the house use it to explore... touch, taste or smell. Can you squash it? Squeeze it? Wobble it? Try to get some jelly on your spoon ... can you wobble it all the way to your mouth/touch it with your nose? Don't worry if you don't have any jelly in the house... you can still join in with today's song 'Jelly on the Plate' (Many versions on You Tube) |
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Zips and buttons! Have a look at the coats in your house and explore the different zips and buttons. Can you push the poppers and zip the zippers. Have a go at pushing the button through the hole. Can you put a coat on and have a go at doing it up? You can also find zips on pencil cases and lunchboxes etc. Where else can you find buttons and poppers? Have fun and don't forget to dojo! |
Week 5
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning:18.5.2020 (DB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills – Usually this term we would be getting ready for sports week in school. So we are going to try travelling in different ways. Can your child move in different ways around the garden: *Running * Walking on tip toes * Jumping (both feet off the ground), * Hopping * Skipping. You could make up little races with siblings, play ‘Mammy says’ or ‘Daddy says’ (like ‘Simon Says’) to travel in different ways. Play ‘Follow the Leader’ with you being the leader first to model what to do, then your child have their turn to be the leader. |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language - As we are thinking about ways of moving, this week’s number song is ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’. You can find this song on You Tube. * Can your child show you 5 fingers ‘Gimme 5’ is what we say in class to know what five fingers look like. You could stop the song at each part, when singing, and ask your child to show you 4, 3, 2, 1 fingers. * Encourage your child to join in with the actions and to use their counting finger to count the frogs each time after one has jumped into the water. * Help your little one to write numbers to 5 using different media either in or outside. See the number formation sheet sent on Dojo for the rhymes to go with each number when writing. |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun – * Draw a Hopscotch grid or a number line on the floor outside, using chalk. Can your child help you to write the numbers? (Think of the number formation rhymes from yesterday) * Can your child jump onto each number in order when counting? Don’t forget to Count forwards and backwards as we do this in class! * Can you say a number and your child jump onto it? * Can you child jump, jump, jump using two feet on the trampoline? * Can you sing our number song outside today? Can your child ‘Jump in the pool’ when you sing it during the song?
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
Cooking & Life Skills – * Frog cup cakes/biscuit – Decorate a cupcake or biscuit with green icing and add eyes and choose what to use for a happy mouth. |
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Fine Motor Skills * Frog Foot prints Activity – See Coffecupsandcrayons.com for this activity. Alternatively, make your own green hand prints. (If your child does not like wet textures, they could put a glove on whilst carrying out this activity). |
Home School Jobs
ASDI 1st June (NB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Sports Fun! Have some races with your family- running race, egg and spoon, obstacle race etc. Don't forget to warm up first by doing some exercises on the spot (running, jumping, hopping, stretching, star jumps) Who was the winner? Take some photos if you can :) |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Let's make some music! what can you use to make a sound? Try pots and pans with wooden spoons- how does this sound? Can you make a different sound using a metal spoon? Can you bang the pans together? You could also have a go at making your own instruments out of junk materials ! e.g. Pasta in a tub would make a good shaker! |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Messy Mud Pies! Add water and mud to buckets, you could also add grass and small stones to the mixture. Stir it with a stick and squish it with your hands. Flip the bucket over to make a mud pie (Don't eat it though!) and decorate it with leaves and twigs. Get messy and have fun! |
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
Tasty Mud Pies (For eating!) What you need: Rice krispies or cornflakes. Chocolate How to make: Melt the chocolate (With adult support) Mix in the cereal Make small cakes Put into the fridge to set Eat and enjoy! *Full recipe available from Google
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Can you make snakes using play dough? Use your hands flat to roll the play dough into a snake shape. Can you make a long snake and a short snake? How long are your snakes? Can you measure them using 1p coins? How many coins long is your snake? Put the coins underneath your snake and count them. *If you don't have any playdough you could draw snakes to measure. Can you draw a big snake and a little snake? |
Week 7
ASDI Acts of Kindness
* I can share and take turns with my grown up or my brother/sister.
* I can listen to my grown up when they read me a story.
* I can help my grown up tidy up my toys.
* I can sign/say please and thank you.
* I can listen to my grown up when my grown up calls my name.
* I can help my grown up when they are dressing me.
* I can give my grown up or my brother/sister a cuddle because I love them.
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning: 8.6.2020 (DB)
Tuesday is ‘Empathy Day’ so this week we are focusing on the
feeling ‘Happiness’ and being kind.
* Have a look at our ‘ASDI Acts of Kindness Chart’ and see how many you’re your child can do through the week.
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills – Today we are going to listen to our favourite music/songs and dance around the living room. Dancing makes us feel happy! * Just Dance – ‘I like to move it, move it’, ‘Baby Shark’, ‘Happy’, Disney songs * Cosmic Yoga – ‘Trolls’, ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco’ * Dough Disco – ‘If Your Happy and You Know it’ |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language - Look in the mirror at your face. Can you make a happy face? What can you see? Can you make a paper plate happy face? Today’s song is - If Your Happy and You Know it’. Have a look at the video we have made for you. Can you and your family join in with the actions? Can you ask your child ‘What ___ do? And wait for their answer, then do that action with them. Make some actions of your own ´___ turn’ then ‘Mammy/Daddy’s turn’. Please send your pictures in, I would love to see them! |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun – Today we want to make other people, animals and flowers smile. Can you - * Paint a rock in a favourite colour, with a heart or a happy face and leave it by your door for people to see? * Make a sensory bottle using water and glitter or food colouring.? Watching the glitter move will make you feel happy. * Water the flowers so that they are happy? * Take your dog for a walk or play ball so that your dog is happy? * Play with your cat so that your cat is happy? * Feed the birds so that they are happy? |
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
Cooking & Life Skills - Making other people smile – Can you make heart shaped biscuits or decorate biscuits with a heart to share with your family? |
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Occupations Therapy: Fine Motor Skills – It is nearly the end of our Kindness week so we are going to make a ‘Handprint a heart of kindness’. To do this we need to paint our hands make a print. Then use a different colour to make the next print, etc. |
Please could you send us photos and messages on Class Dojo of your child doing activities from our ASDI Acts of Kindness Chart to let me know how they are doing! That would make us feel happy! If your child has done five of the jobs on the chart I will send home a certificate. Mrs Butler.
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning:15th June (NB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Go on a number hunt (Numbers 0-5 0-10) adults hide the numbers around the garden. Children run round to find the numbers as fast as you can. Once you have found all of the numbers have a go at putting them in the correct order. You can then hide the numbers again but in a different place. |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Watch and listen (You Tube - Mr Tumble) to 'Row Row Row Your Boat'. Sit opposite one another on the floor and sing together whilst holding hands and rocking back and forth. Don't forget to join in with the actions for shiver, roar, scream! Do you have any toy boats that you can sail in the sink, paddling pool, bath? You can sing or sign the song as you play. |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Can you go on an adventure walk? This could be in the forest or woods... to the local park or beach or anywhere that you like to go. Take some photos of anything interesting you find along the way. You may find a bridge, a stream, a den or some beautiful flowers.
‘Tuck in on Thursday’ |
Can you make pizza or wrap faces? Use the base as the head and then add the topping for eyes, nose, mouth and hair. Will you make a funny face? A happy face? Take pictures of your faces as we would love to see them. I will dojo my 'happy' wrap face on Thursday morning.
‘Fine Motor Skills Friday’ |
Let's get threading! Try a range of activities such as - pasta onto string, beads onto pipe cleaners, pipe cleaners into a colander or beads onto spaghetti. These are just ideas for threading, You may have ideas of your own to try out. Dojo pictures of your threading.
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning: 22.6.2020(DB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills – Sports week is in June so I thought we could make our own obstacle course (inside or outside) - * Use blankets over chairs to make tunnels to crawl through. * Cushions to make stepping stones to jump on or over. * A rope (or chalk outside) to draw a lineto walk along forwards or sideways (like a balance beam) then jump over on way back (side to side) * A hula hoop to step in and lift over their heads. * A bean bag to balance on head as they walk.. Or Play ‘Keepy Uppy’ using a balloon. The balloon has to be kept in the air, it is not allowed to touch the floor! Have Fun! |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language – Garden songs – ‘Round and Round the Garden’ ‘Here we go Round the Mulberry Bush’ ‘Mary, Mary quite Contrary’ Can you make a picture on the floor or stick onto paper of things you find in the garden? Such as twigs, grass, flowers (daisies), etc. Send us a photo of your picture on Class Dojo. |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun – The weather is sunny today! Make a sandwich (or your favourite snack), with your grown up, get a drink, get your teddy and go for a teddy bears picnic. You could either go in the garden or to the park. Send us a photo of you and your teddy bear having fun! Mrs Butler. |
Tuck in Thurs
Frozen Fruity Yoghurt Bites-
200g yoghurt
1. Dollop some yoghurt into a cupcake case.
2. Put a few pieces of fruit in and press down with your finger.
3. Place cups on a baking tray and put in the freezer to eat later.
Fine Motor Friday
Play dough fun...
You can warm up with Dough Disco on You Tube 'If you're happy and you know it'
Then get creative...squash, squish, squeeze, roll, pat, ball or make a model.
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning: 29.6.2020 (DB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills – We have enjoyed playing in the sun, now lets enjoy playing in the rain!! Stomping, Sploshing and Jumping in puddles As it is raining this week, I thought you could do one of our favourite outdoor activities to get us moving! You could enjoy splashing in the rainy puddles like Peppa and George Pig. Say ‘Splash’ or ‘Splosh’ everytime you jump in a puddle. You could play a game of ‘Puddle Jump’ where you can only move from one puddle to the next! Keep moving and have fun! |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language – Sing ‘Rainy Day’ songs and rhymes - * It’s raining, Its’ Pouring * Rain, Rain, Go Away * I hear Thunder Make a rainy day picture! You can finger paint the raindrops falling from the clouds, you can make collage blue raindrops, you choose. Don’t forget to show us your rainy day pictures! |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun – Small World Water Play Create your own water world with small toys outside in the garden. You could use Peppa Pig small world toys, dinosaurs, blocks and diggers to make a construction site!
Digging for Buried Treasure Spades, shovels, old kitchen utensils and cutlery can be used to dig for treasure in a muddy area of your garden or in a mud tray. Can you find any treasure?
Go on a Rainy Day Nature Hunt A rainy day can bring out lots of fun things for you to find in the garden! Get your umbrella’s, put your wellies on and go out into the garden. What can you see? Can you find any snails? Can you find any spiders? What do the leaves or grass feel like in the rain? Take your camera, incase you find anything exciting! Have Fun! Mrs Butler
Tuck in Thurs
Making cupcakes or any cakes you want...
Fairy cakes, chocolate rice krispy cakes, muffins etc.
See Dojo or Google for recipes!
If you don't have any ingredients for this you could continue to make your own toast.
What is your favourite topping? Remember to dojo pics.
Fine Motor Friday
Let's get pegging...
Can you use your fingers to open and close pegs?
You could help to hang the washing on the line or just peg onto a basket, box or anything you can.
It's also fun to put pegs together, how many can you peg in a row?
You could also say/sort into colours and line them end to end. Can you count how many pegs you have?
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Week Beginning: 6.7.2020 (DB)
Day |
Activity |
‘Movement on Monday’ |
Occupational Therapy: Gross Motor Skills – Boogie Beebies (on YouTube). Can you join in with your child with these movement activities? Boogie Beebies – Barnyard Boogie Boogie Beebies – Barnyard Dance Boogie Beebies – Rainbow Song |
‘Tunes on Tuesday’ |
Speech and Language – ‘Symbolic Sounds’ Today’s song is ‘Old McDonald had a Farm’. If you have a small world farm at home can you set up the farm with your child. Can you show your child each animal as you set up the farm, then name them and make the sound that they make? Can your child copy you? Sing the song and encourage them to make the symbolic sound for each animal as you show it to them. Alternatively, you could make the animal sound, can your child find the animal? Finally, to extend the play, let your child lead the play and you copy what they do. |
‘Welly Wednesday’ |
Outdoor Fun – Farm yard Gross Motor Skills – Show your child a picture of a farm yard animal (use either a toy or a book if you need to). Can they move like that animal? (You may need an older sibling to help you demonstrate!) Gallop like a horse? Flap their arms like a bird? Waddle like a duck? Roll like a pig in the mud? Can you think of any other ways to move like a farm yard animal? Have fun & Good luck! Mrs Butler |
Tuck in Thursday
Fine Motor Friday
Spaghetti ... cooked spaghetti is so much fun to play with! You can eat it, play with it, colour it using food dye, cut it (child friendly scissors), hide toys in it, squeeze it, and pull it about into whatever shape you want! Send pics of your spaghetti fun :)
Week 11- Home School Learning
Tuck in Thurs- Creating fruit salad (Rainbow) kebabs! Fruit is yummy, healthy and colourful like a rainbow. See if you can help an adult to make a fruit salad or fruit kebab. Try to use a range of colours and shapes (If using grapes remember these must be cut in half before eating!)
Fine Motor Friday- Today we are going to work on our gross motor skills... can you play a ball game with your family? Kicking, rolling, bouncing, throwing and catching or shooting into a target. Have fun and take some pics to dojo!
Move on Monday
Welly Wednesday
Tuck in Thurs
On Wednesday 1st of April we will be joining in the fun celebrating 'Onsie Wednesday' in our homes. This is just a bit of fun. Please send a photo of your child wearing their onsie's to show that we are raising awareness of Autism on World Autism Awareness Day! See our home learning gallery for pictures!
I have made a timetable of the activities that I will be sending home each day via Class Dojo. If you carryout any of the activities, send me a photo or message on Class Dojo and I will give your child 'Dojo points' for them to see their rewards.
ASDI Home Schooling Timetable
Day |
Activity |
Focus |
Monday |
Movement on Monday
OT – Gross Motor Skills |
Tuesday |
Tunes on Tuesday
Literacy: Nursery Rhymes Numeracy: Number songs |
Wednesday |
Welly Wednesday
Outside Activities |
Thursday |
Tuck in on Thursday
Cooking/ Life Skills |
Friday |
Fine Motor Skills Friday
OT – Fine Motor Skills |
If you have any queries, please message on Class Dojo.
Have Fun!
Mrs Butler
Remember to check your Class Dojo every morning for your job of the day. I look forward to seeing your photos and hearing your stories!
Mrs Butler.
Spring Term 2020
Covid-19 update - STF closure
We know some parents are asking for activities to do with their child at home during the school closures. This has some nice ideas if you want to have a look. Thank you.
Academic Year 2019-20
Hi from Mrs Butler & Mrs Bowyer!
Welcome to our new website! We look forward to new adventures and sharing lots of fun together!
Weekly Reminders
Monday - News- Please could you record any activities or events that your child did over the weekend in the home/school book or on class dojo. You can include photos if you wish.
Snack money - £1.50 per week.
Homework and library books to be returned.
ORT reading books (where appropriate) to be returned to school.
Tuesday - PE - Please ensure that your child has a PE kit (shorts and t-shirt) that is able to be kept in school.
ORT reading books (where appropriate) sent home.
Wednesday - Swimming - Please could you ensure that your child has a swimming kit (swimming costume and a towel) in a named rucksack.
Swimming money - £1 per week
If your child is well enough to be in school but NOT well enough to go swimming please keep them home until 10.30.
Welly Wednesday - Please ensure that your child has wellies in school or that they bring them to school on the day.
Thursday - /
Friday - Homework books to be given out with new homework.
Library books will be sent home for you to share with your child.
If you have any queries please contact us via Class Dojo or though the Home/School link book.
Mrs Butler & Mrs Bowyer
(Class Teachers)