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Additional Learning Needs

The Future of Additional Learning Needs


Additional Learning Needs changed in January 2022. The changes will be gradual through 2022-2024 but we want to inform parents as early as possible so that we can work together to understand these changes and ensure we support your child in the best way possible. There is a letter below which explains some aspects but it also has some links to click on for further information that we recommend you look into. 

Video: How Additional Learning Needs Is Changing


General Information


Please see the information and documents below. There is mixture of useful resources for you as well as links to websites.


If you are in particular need which is not highlighted on this page, please phone the school number. Leave a message if there is no-one available and we will get back to you.

Single Point of Request (SPOR) into Early Intervention Services

As of September 2017 Early Intervention services changed the way families access services and interventions.

Referrals are no longer required for each of our individual services. Families and professionals are encouraged to ring the SPOR telephone line to discuss their needs and they are linked to the most appropriate service and/or intervention on offer, these include Family Partnership Team drop-ins; groups; one-to-one support; Team Around the Family (TAF); Jig-so and Early Language Development Team (ELDT) services.

SPOR can be contacted on 01792 635400 with lines staffed Monday to Friday 9.00am until 1.00pm.

Speech, language and communication needs


To support your children's speech, language and communication needs, we have fast tracked the launch of our new Parent Portal to help with this. The site will be live from Friday 20th March and will provide parents with FREE speech and language advice, resources and activities.  


Support for children, who have speech, language and communication needs, doesn't have to stop once their school closes.


The site can be found at

Useful Links for Wellbeing

Finding ways to cope with your mood is important when you’re feeling depressed. So don’t panic and remember, feeling sad or unhappy will come to an end.

It could be useful to:

• Make a playlist of your favourite music to listen to

• Try painting or drawing • Write down how you feel in a diary

• Try a sport – it’s been shown that exercise can help to fight depression

• Eat healthily as a healthy diet is essential for good mental health

• Volunteer

 • Go for a walk

• Try meditation or yoga

• Do what makes you feel more relaxed

The UK’s free helpline for children and young people – it’s a confidential service and provides telephone counselling for any child with a problem. Helpline: 0800 1111 Text phone: 0800 400 222 Mon-Fri 9:30am-9:30pm | Sat and Sun: 11am-8pm

Offers free support and advice for under 25s through a confidential helpline, online chat and discussion boards. Helpline: 0808 808 4994 7 days a week 2pm – 11pm

Extra Resources


Please see the resources below for some specific help the Mrs Dean has collected to share with parents:
