Welcome to our class page! The staff members that work in our class are…
Class teacher – Miss Ashcroft
Class teaching assistants – Miss Tooze & Miss Thomas
In our class, we like to learn in lots of different ways and have fun. Most of all, we enjoy learning together!
We are lucky to have access to wider specialist provision, such as our soft play and sensory rooms.
Our Spring term topic is ‘My Home, Your Home’
General Information
School day: 8.50am – 2:45pm. The gate is open from 8.40am.
Uniform: There is an expectation that children wear school uniform. Royal blue jumper, white or yellow polo shirt and black trousers / joggers / leggings.
It is always a good idea for the children to have spare clothes either kept in school or brought daily in their bag. We love exploring and messy play!
Snack: 50p a week or bring your own snack daily.
Lunch: The children can either have school dinners or a packed lunch. ALL children are entitled to a free school meal. The termly menus can be found on the Swansea council webpage.
Dojo: We will continue to use dojo as a means of communication. You can let us know via dojo if your child is going to be off school for any reason.
Wellies: Please could your child bring a pair of wellies into school. These will stay in school. Our Forest school session is on a Thursday.
Clothing: Please label all uniform, coats, bags and shoes!
Any questions, please ask!
Our Autumn term topic is ‘Our Wonderful World’
Welcome to Reception/Year 1
September 2019!
I am Mrs Field and I will be teaching the Reception/Year 1 class this year. My room is the first door through the double doors, as you turn right at the bottom of the stairs. We have a lovely creative and outside area as well as our main classroom where we can explore, pretend and think imaginatively.
Working with me this year will be Miss Gammon, and Miss Beddoe.
Below is some information that you might find useful
Fruit and snack
The children can buy fruit each morning at a cost of 25p per day. You can pay daily or £1.25 for the week. This is payable to the class teacher directly (in an envelope please with the amount and your child’s name on).
We also provide a snack in the afternoon and this costs 50p per week.
Many parents find it easier to pay the whole £1.75 at the beginning of the week.
The children will have P.E on a Wednesday this year. Please make sure that your child has a pair of black shorts or joggers and a white T-shirt which can be left in school for the half term. Please make sure that your child’s name is clearly marked with their name on it as things can get a little muddled sometimes so this helps considerably.
The children will be taking part in lots of activities outdoors throughout the year. Please could you send in a pair of wellies into school, again marked with their name that can be left in school all year.
Homework will be given to pupils on a Tuesday and Year 1 pupils on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please return the homework in their books so they can be marked and new homework stuck in.
Home Link Books
Home link books are a useful way of keeping a record, whether that be stickers for rewards, reading records and general comments. Please send these in every day with your child.
General comments
All parents have been giving a code for Dojo. Please make every effort to sign up as it is a great way for us to communicate and to inform you of any last minute changes during the term. Please also make sure that your child’s name is on all their clothing (coats, jumpers etc) to avoid any confusion. If anyone has any spare clothes, summer hats, children’s magazines or children’s annuals we would be very grateful for any donations to use in class.
This term our topic is
Once Upon a Time.........
This term our topic is
All About Me!
Academic Year 2018-19
I am Mrs Field and I will be teaching the Reception/Year 1 class this year.
Working with me this year will be Miss Gammon, Miss Waters, Miss Jones and Miss Charles.
Below is some information that you might find useful
The children have toast each morning at a cost of 25p. You can pay daily or £1.25 for the whole week. This is payable to the class teacher. We also provide an afternoon snack and this costs 50p a week. Many parents find it easier to pay £1.75 at the beginning of each week.
Please could all money be sent in in an envelope/labelled with your child's name on.
Our PE day is a Tuesday so please make sure that your child has a pair of shorts or joggers and a t-shirt that can be left in school for the half term. Please make sure that their name is on every piece of clothing.
We will be using the outside area in our activities throughout the year, so could you please leave a pair of wellies in school.
Homework will be given twice a week. Please return books so that they can be market and new homework stuck in.
All parents have been given a code. Please make every effort to sign up as it is a great way to keep you updated of any changes or events taking place throughout the term.
Information from Academic Year 2017-18
The Summer term topic is called - Ready Steady go, Ready Steady Grow!
Firstly a big thank you for bringing in fruit and snack money each week. This has helped us raise enough funds to buy a lovely play house for our outside area which the children are thoroughly enjoying. We couldn't have done it without your continued support!
This term we will be making the most of being outside where we can learn lots about plants and what they need to grow. We will be doing a science investigation testing the conditions plants need to grow, predicting what will happen, recording our observations and writing what we have found out. This also has tied in well with us developing our outside area as we have been busy making a garden centre/cafe role play area, sorting seeds, identifying different plants and of course planting bulbs and seeds. We will also use our Maths skills outside too on a regular basis so please make sure that in the warm weather your child comes in with a sun hat and has sun tan lotion on to protect them.
It will be a busy term with Sports Week and Creative week which are always very exciting and enjoyable. (Details of which will follow)
Please can all pupils continue to wear school uniform in the summer term.
Diolch yn fawr for your continued support.
Welcome to Reception/Year 1!
Welcome to Reception/Year 1's page. This term we will be doing lots of exciting things both inside and outside the classroom. Keep up to date with our blog to keep you up to date with what we have been doing.
Below is some information that might be useful -
The children have toast each morning at a cost of 25p. You can pay daily or £1.25 for the whole week. This is payable to the class teacher.
We also provide an afternoon snack and this costs 50p a week.
Many parents find it easier to pay £1.75 at the beginning of each week. Please could all money be sent in in an envelope/labelled with your child's name on.
Our PE day is a Tuesday so please make sure that your child has a pair of shorts or joggers and a t-shirt that can be left in school for the half term. Please make sure that their name is on every piece of clothing.
We will be using the outside area in our activities throughout the year, so could you please leave a pair of wellies in school.
Homework will be given twice a week. Please return books so that they can be market and new homework stuck in.