Spring Term 2020
Our topic this term is Creatures Great and Small
The children will continue to develop using their Pupil Voice to assist in the planning of class activities.
We will be learning about the different animal groups and finding out about their habitats. We will be reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, The Emperor's Egg, The Penguin who wanted to find out and Dear Greenpeace and using these books as stimuli.
You can find more information about the possible range of activities we will be covering in the 'Topic Webs' section.
Academic Year 2019-20
Welcome to Year 2 - Miss Slack.
Croeso i Ddosbarth Miss Slack
Autumn Term Topics - Bright Lights / Remember Remember
I am Miss. Slack and working alongside me this year will be Mrs. Rees and Miss. Kidwell.
We have some exciting topics planned for the children this year so please ensure children have the best attendance they possibly can so that they don't miss out on anything! Please see the topic webs in the KEY INFORMATION section for more detail.
We carry out a 'check-in' session every morning. The well-being of our pupils is important to us and the Feelings Garden gives them the opportunity to express how they are feeling. It also allows them to talk any worries they may have before they start their school day.
The children in Year 2 will still take part in Read, Write, Inc. sessions four times a week, where they will have opportunities for individual, paired and group reading. Please support the development of your child's reading by sharing books at home and returning reading records.
We are a healthy school and aim to promote healthy eating habits. Children are able to purchase fruit daily, please send money into school in a clearly marked envelope or bag. Some children like to bring their own fruit into school to eat at break time - this is great!
The children will continue to take part in Forest School sessions as well as outdoor learning. Please can you send some wellies into school for the children to change in to when needed.
Polly, our Rights Respecting mascot knows that children have the right to say what they want to happen and to be listened to. We value Pupil Voice at Clwyd and the children will continue to take part in Pupil Voice planning sessions weekly. During these sessions they have the opportunity to help the teacher plan for challenges to be completed in the continuous provision during 'Polly Time'. This ensures a balance between activities the pupils have planned and those that are adult led.
If your child would like to find out about something linked to our topic, encourage them to write it down and pass it on to me. We like the children to be involved in the planning of some of the Focus Tasks - it gives the children ownership of their learning and results in pleasing levels of interest and engagement.
We have some really talented children in our school and like to showcase how ambitious and capable they are on our Wonder Wall! Please send in any trophies, certificates, medals or photographs so that the children can share with us the amazing things that they do.
Information from Academic Year 2017-18
Welcome to the Y2 Class Page
Croeso I Ddosbarth Miss. Slack
Welcome to the Spring Term in Y2
Our theme this term is Creatures Great and Small
This term our theme is Creatures Great and Small. We will be learning about the variation of animals and to understand differences between living and not-living. We will be taking part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch and learning about the characteristics of different animal groups.
We are proud to be a school in Wales and will be learning about what it means to be Welsh during our Welsh week. We will be singing Welsh songs, visiting places in Wales and completing lots of practical activities that develop our sense of belonging.
We will be learning about dynamics, tempo and pitch and discussing how sounds have been used by a composer when listening to ‘Carnival of the Animals’.
Read, Write, Inc.
We teach our children to read and write using the ‘Read, Write, Inc. phonic scheme. We have sessions four times a week, Monday to Thursday. Sessions start at 9.20am. Please make sure your children are in school on time so that they do not miss out!
Class Reminders