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Grow together, Play together, Learn together, Achieve together

Year 5/6 Mrs Dardecker

Welcome to Year 5/6 2024

Autumn Term!


In our class we are striving to be confident, healthy and ambitious individuals! We are developing our Growth Mindsets to enjoy and seek challenge. 


This term our topic in Year 5/6 is 'Headlines'. We will be looking at the First News papers that will keep us updated on news around the world. We are also going to create our own Clwyd Newspaper to deliver around the community and plan to read some newspapers with the people in our local nursing home. This term we also have Harvest, The Pop Up Shop and our Christmas Concert to prepare for! 


Here are some important reminders now we are in Year 5/6!

* Please remember to fill out the form on Dojo for your child to attend clubs.

* PE is on a Wednesday (white top and black shorts).

* A HEALTHY snack and drink need to be provided daily, toast can be purchased on Toast Tuesdays. Please no crisps, chocolate, sweets or pop.

* Homework will be sent at the start of the term. It will be a grid of activities linked to our topic and you can pick them off and send us photos on Dojo!

* Please keep listening to us read and reading to us!


Currently planned trips: 

Year 6 will have the opportunity to go to LLanmadoc in March 2025. 


We will be going on various topic related trips this year, we are planning on working with some authors and journalists. 




Mrs Dardecker

