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Grow together, Play together, Learn together, Achieve together

Year 1/2 (Mrs Thomas

Happy New Year


This term our topic is "What's your super power? I need a hero!"


Home learning 2021

Planning wk beg 1st Feb 2021

Summer learning

Activities for week of Monday 29th June

Monday 15th June


Thursday 11th June

Monday 8th June

Thursday 4th June

Wednesday 3rd June

Monday 1st June

 I hope your have all had a well deserved half term. Today we shall return to our activities... this week is empathy week so Mrs Minney has asked us all to plan some activities to help the children really "put themselves in the character's shoes" and begin to understand how the character maybe feeling. So today's task is to pretend to be Jack- you must write a letter to the Giant to explain why you stole from him. Explain how you were feeling and what made you do the things you did. Really explore the character of Jack and how he felt and why he acted the way he did. *remember you are Jack so you must write I not Jack. Really explain your feelings and emotions and why you did those things. For example Dear Giant I am writing you a letter to explain why I stole from you. My mum and I were so poor and....... 


Maths 1-6-20

Thursday 21st May - Jack and the Beanstalk video explanation

Still image for this video
Make a Story Path with Mrs Warwick!
Listen to Mrs Warwich and draw your own story path I then need you to learn the story orally so you can look at your story map and then using words retell the whole story by yourself without help. I would love your parents to video you retelling the story for me. This is a big task but have fun:)

Thursday 21st May

Wednesday 20th May

Monday 18th May

Thursday 14th May

Monday 11th May

Thursday 7th May

Wednesday 29th April

Friday 24th April's activity

Thursday 23rd April

Thank you so much for completing yesterday's challenges, your work was ardderchog!!


Maths: Finding half of objects:
A half means sharing something that can be divided into two equal groups or has two equal  parts.

Find half of shapes around the house. Cut a banana is half, cut your slice of toast in half...etc.
Draw around objects, cut out the shape and fold them in half.
This worksheet below does not need to be printed, you can have it up on the laptop/iPad/tablet screen and your child can work through it by showing/telling you.
EG tick the shape that is cut in half... your child can just point and show you the correct answer.



Reading and responding to Mrs Armitage on wheels

Reading and responding activity:
Click on the speaking icon to hear the instructions

Wednesday 22nd April


Firstly thank you to everyone who completed yesterday's activities, I really love seeing all of your photos. Please keep sending me them:)


Design your dream bike like Mrs Armitage did... Use the PowerPoint to help you. Click the speaker icon on each page and it will speak to you.

Maths - Continuation of our 3D shape work

Tuesday 21st April

Today should be PE in school so at 9 am Join Joe Wicks on YouTube for his live workout, use your gardens to set mini challenges, how many star jumps in a minute, trampoline bouncing, anything to get active.

Maths: go on a 3D shape hunt, find the 3D shape, eg a football is a sphere, a cereal box could be a void...etc. Use your house, garden, and outside your window.

 Don't forget to talk about the properties of each shape, count how many faces each shape has, are they curved or flat faces? 


Write the items Mrs Armitage needed on her bicycle in the correct order, and what she said she needed them for. You can record this as I've shown above or in your own way:) good luck !!!


You can record in any way but here is an example:


Item Reason





Monday 20th April

Literacy activity : This weeks activities will be set around this book for literacy. Please don't panic if you do not have this book at home or you are not familiar with it! Here is a link for you and your child to listen to the story on You Tube.

Listen to the story Mrs Armitage on wheels. Retell the story to an adult/ brother/sister in the right order. Draw a cartoon strip/ story map to help retell the story orally. 


Maths: One more/One less than numbers to 100
Here is an example of how you can lay it out. I will upload a document which you can edit. Please adapt the numbers to suit your child. The expectation is that in Year 1 children know all numbers to 100, but if your child is struggling with higher numbers stick to lower numbers to start, but continue to practice numbers to 100 whilst at home:)

One less


One More

















































Planning week beginning 30th March

Writing: keep a daily diary, write down what they have done each day including lots of details, explain what the weather was like, remember to include the date on each diary entry. The focus is on your child spelling the 100 high frequency words correctly that I've been sending home, also sounding out independently for any unfamiliar words.

Maths:  focus this week on addiction and subtraction. Play shop, make amounts up to £1 .... another day work on subtraction and counting back. You can use number lines of 100 squares to help.


Also continue your daily counting to 100 in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

If you have access to the internet "topmarks maths" is a fantastic resource for all elements of maths activities.

And don't forget the best thing you can do together:)


Topic - carry out a big bird watch from your garden.

What birds can you see? How many of each bird can you see daily? keep a tally chart.



Hi parents, below I have listed some suggestions for activities that you could do with your child if they are at home. If you have any questions, please send me a message via Class Dojo.

Miss Keast



Firstly, everything that is happening at the moment can be worrying for children. If you press control and click on the link below it will take you to a website. It explains what the coronavirus is in a really simple, easy to understand way.



The Plan of the Day – We do this every day in class. If you are staying at home this might help. Tell them that they need to be the teacher and write the long date, the short date and ‘the plan of the day’ on the board ( you can just use a peg to attach some paper to a piece of card or stick some paper onto the fridge. They will love this! Recite the months in order too – this song on youtube is easy to learn.



Topic Work - We had started to learn about all different birds and  and their habitats. The children had come up with some lovely ideas about what they wanted to find out in our Pupil Voice session. You could research and make a book all about Penguins/ ducks/ segulls...etc. Make sure you use some headings, sub-headings and draw some lovely pictures. Maybe you could find out exactly how many different types of penguin there are altogether.


Reading – As discussed in the parents meetings and workshops, the children in Year 1 and 2 love using Reading Eggs. They all have their own log-in details and the app can be downloaded for use at home. If the children have forgotten their details, let me know on dojo and I can get them to you.


Instruction writing – We have been doing this in class. You could practise writing instructions to tell your family how to wash their hands, how to play one of your favourite games or how to make a sandwich at dinner time!

Try to add these things:

* Time words such as First, Then, Next, After that and Finally.

* Bossy verbs that make things clear to the reader.

* Adverbs of manner – words that tell the reader how to do something.

* Numbers at the start of each step so the reader knows what order to do things in.

* Pictures to show the reader what they need to do.


Spelling – The children have been learning to read and spell tricky words. Keep practising their old spelling test words but the game below is a fun way to learn them too. Start with the Year 1 Tricky words.



Maths – Whilst at home, keep working on the areas that we discussed in the parents meetings and try to bring maths into everything that you do! The children like using the website below.

Reminders about what we discussed:

Length – Collect some twigs and sticks from the garden (at least 10). Order them and use a ruler to measure them in centimetres or cubes.

Temperature – Use a thermometer to keep a record of your temperature each day. Write your temperatures down in a table. What day were you the warmest? What is the difference between your temperature in the morning and the afternoon?

Comparing and Ordering Numbers – Can you find the numbers that the adult looking after you has hidden in the house or garden? Put them in order? Which one is the largest / smallest? What is the value of the first digit in the largest number? (The value of the 8 in 86 is 80 – Why? Because it’s got 8 tens in it)

Time / Simple sequences – Look at the clock together. Read o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times on a digital clock and a clock with hands. Look at the marks on the analogue clock. Count in 5’s to say how many minutes past it is. Put all of your socks into pairs. Count in steps of 2. How many socks do you have altogether?

Counting objects – Tidy up time! Tip all of your lego / knex / duplo / animals / army figures onto the floor. Can you count them all? Can you make it easier? Try grouping them in 2’s, 5’s or 10’s to help you!

Reading and Writing numbers to at least 100– Bingo game! Play this with your brother or sister! Draw a grid on your paper and copy 4 numbers from the ones that an adult has written on the flash cards. Make sure you can read the numbers that you have copied! Ask an adult to shuffle the cards and get them to call out one number at a time. The winner is the first person to cross off all 4 numbers.

Odd and Even numbers – Roll 2 dice. Add the dots together. What is the total? Is it an even or an odd number?

Money – Paying for items. Dinner at mammy’s café costs a different amount each day! It is never more than £1 though. Listen to how much your dinner is each day and find the correct coins in mammy or daddy’s purse to pay for it!

Shape – Go on a 3D shape hunt. Can you find any cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones or spheres in your house? Can you build a 3D model out of junk materials?

Fractions – If you need to share your sweets or chocolate eggs with someone else make sure you do it fairly! Count how many there are altogether and work out how many each person would get if you split them in half. MAKE SURE YOUR HANDS ARE CLEAN!


Spring Term 2020

This term our topic is Creatures Great and Small


Autumn Term September 2019


I am Miss Keast and this Year Miss Corbett and Mrs Davies will be the teaching assistants in our class.

This term our topic is Remember Remember, check out our page where we will upload some photos of all of the different activities we will be carrying out.

We are learning to be independent, resilient  and ambitious learners so the children will all take part in Pupil Voice sessions that allows them to plan for their own learning.


Some important information.

PE - Tuesday

Homework - Tuesday and Thursday

Spelling test- Friday


Could all pupils have a pair of wellies that can be kept in school, as we will be taking part in lots of outdoor learning.


Fruit is 25p a day or £1.25 a week and snack is 50 p per week. Please can this be placed into a clearly labeled envelope each Monday.






This term our topic is:  TO INFINITY AND BEYOND .

We will update the class page to share what we get up to:)


We have been learning all about The Solar System


This terms topic has been Castles, Kings and Queens!

we visited Cardiff castle and found out about who lived there many years ago.

Academic Year 2018-19



Welcome to Year 1/2's class page.

Here are some weekly reminders.

PE-Wednesday afternoon. Please send in a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt in a bag clearly labelled. These will be returned home each half term to be washed.

Homework - Tuesday and Thursday.  

Wellies- please send in a pair of wellies with your child's name inside, these will be kept in school.

Snack money is 50p a week.

Fruit is 25p per day or £1.25 per week. 

A total of £1.75 a week. 





Information from Academic Year 2017-18


Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to Year 1 / 2 K's page. We will be doing lots of exciting things both inside and outside the classroom.  Scroll down to explore our page and see what we have been up to. Our most recent news is at the bottom!

Weekly reminders

PE - Monday

Homework - Tuesday and Thursday

Please send in a spare pair of wellies which can be kept in school during term time.

Fruit and Snack money is £1.75 a week.

Blwydden 1/2 love a challenge!!

We know about the power of YET!!! Please ask your children to tell you all about their growth mindset and how they are finding out about the importance of embracing challenges and how mistakes are proof we are learning!


Year 1 / 2 has a moto “PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS!!!!” this is key to embracing challenges and overcoming difficulties.


This term our topic is Ready, Steady, Grow.

We will be learning lots of information about plants. We will be naming and describe the purpose the parts of a plant and finding out about what plants need to grow.

We plan to investigate what seeds need to begin to grow and collect and record measurements and observations. 

One of our focus books will be Jack and the beanstalk, we will take part in role play and even write our own story using book creator. We can wait to use the green screen to recreate the story and become the characters.



Please can all pupils continue to wear school uniform in the summer term.


Diolch yn fawr for your continued support.

