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Rights Respecting School Information

Rights Respecting School


At Clwyd, children and adults are working together to recognise and act upon the rights of the child. They will learn this through the United Nations Conventions on the right of the child (UNCRC). This is a comprehensive human rights treaty that highlights specific children's rights in international law. It consists of 54 articles. When children are taught to understand their own rights we believe that they will then appreciate and respect the rights of others.


During the year through Personal, Social and Emotional (PSE) class activities, events and assembly themes, our children will learn that:


They have rights and that they should be informed of those rights.

They should be helped to exercise and enforce their rights.

Those rights should lead to responsible actions.


In addition children can benefit with:

  • Improved self esteem and well being.
  • Improved behaviour and relationships.
  • Enhanced moral understanding and support for Global justice.
  • Positive attitudes towards diversity in society.


The children have looked closely at the Rights and have chosen the following articles to become their Rights of the Month.


September - Article 28 - The right to learn and go to school

October - Article 12 - The right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

November - Article 19 - The right not to be harmed and to be looked after and be kept safe

December - Article 14 - The right to follow your own religion

January - Article 29 - The right to become the best you can be

February - Article 15 - The right to meet with friends and join groups and clubs

March - Article 7 - The right to a name and nationality

April - Article 24 - The right to good food and water and to see a doctor if you are ill

May - Article 27 - The right to a good standard of living

June - Article 6 - The right to a life and to grow up to be healthy

July - Article 31 - The right to relax and play
