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Wellbeing at Clwyd- Including Thrive, Trauma Informed Schools (TIS) and ELSA

Wellbeing at Clwyd


The children's wellbeing is a priority of our school. We work with many agencies to ensure our children have every opportunity to reach their potential. 


We have strong links with the

  • Integrated Children's Centre which is attached to the school
  • Social Services
  • Team Around the Family
  • Design to Smile
  • Healthy Schools
  • Family Partnership Team
  • Barnardos 
  • Flying Start
  • School Nurse and Health Visitors
  • Exchange Councillors 


Children are introduced children to mindfulness, relaxation and empathy activities. This is to ensure that emotional wellbeing is given equal value to physical wellbeing.

Trauma Informed Schools (TIS)- We have two TIS practitioners at Clwyd who support the rest of the staff to implement a Trauma-Informed Approach.


A Trauma-Informed Approach is used to:

- Support children to make sense of their experience(s) and find ways to manage their emotions and feelings.

- Create an environment of safety, connection and compassion at all times.

- Build a school/Trust network of strong, positive, supportive relationships through training.


What are the Benefits of Trauma Informed Practice?

There are innumerable benefits of becoming a trauma-informed organisation. These include:

  • Improved outcomes for all.
  • A more connected and respectful school environment.
  • A reduction in challenging behaviour.
  • Higher inclusion rates.
  • Lower exclusion rates.
  • An ability to model and sustain reliable attachment.
  • Improved sense of belonging.
  • Students who are calmer and ready to learn.
  • Students who are better equipped to manage their emotions, with higher levels of self-esteem, empathy and resilience.
  • Students who feel understood, valued and safe


ELSA- We have a trained ELSA working in the Reception/Year 1 classes.


What are ELSAs?

ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. They are teaching assistants who have received specific additional training from educational psychologists from whom they receive on going supervision following training. Their role is to support children and young people in school to understand and regulate their own emotions whilst also respecting the feelings of those around them. All children should be nurtured in accordance with their individual needs. There will always be children and young people in schools facing life challenges that detract from their ability to engage with learning, and some will require greater support to increase their emotional literacy than others.


ELSA support websites


Home Learning activities for Wellbeing
