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Rights Respecting School Competition



Article 27 - We have the right to a good standard of living.

Decorate a container that would be suitable for planting a flower in, e.g. a flower pot, an old welly, a small bucket - the more unusual, the better!

There will be two winners (one from the foundation phase, and one from key stage 2). They will be planted and displayed in Miss Duffy's garden.

Entries to be handed in to your class 'Rights Ambassadors' by Friday 22nd May. Good luck!



Article 24 - We have the right to good food and water and to see a doctor if we are ill.

Can you name foods to match every colour of the rainbow? Draw or write your ideas. The more unusual the better!

The winners were announced on Friday 1st May. Congratulations to Jack Davies in Reception and Ffion Thomas in Year 5!
