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Reception (Mrs Shaw)

Reception - Spring Term 2022


Happy New Year! - Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!


What a fantastic start to the year, we have already had in Reception.


Our topic for the first half-term is What's your Superpower/I Need a Hero!

We will be begin by learning all about ourselves in 'Super me!' We will be learning about   real life superheroes who help us throughout our lives.


After the half-term holiday, our topic will be 'Once Upon a Time'.  

We will be exploring Traditional Tales and Fairy Stories.

We hope to visit a real castle! It will be magical!


It's great to be back - let's have a fantastic year together!

Reception return to school information

Week beginning Monday 1st February 2021- Children's mental health week

Home learning activities- week beginning Monday 4th January 2021

Information for Parents

Christmas home learning- Week beginning 14.12.20

Return to school information for September

Thursday 18th June

Wednesday 17th June

Monday 15th June

Tuesday 9th June

Thursday 4th June

Wednesday 3rd June

Tuesday 19th May

Monday 18th May Activities and Spelling words

Thursday 14th May Activities

Monday 11th May Activities

Thursday 7th May

Tuesday 5th May Activities

Monday 4th May activities

Momday 27th April Activities

Thursday 23rd April Acitivites

Wednesday 22nd April Activities

Tuesday 21st April Activities

Monday 20th April Activities

Easter holidays Activities

Friday 3rd April Activities

Tuesday 31st March Activities

Monday 30th March Activities

Thursday 26th March Activities

Wednesday 25th March Activities

Tuesday 24th March Activities

Coronavirus - Activities to do at home

Croeso I Ddosbarth Miss. Hammett

Welcome to the Spring Term in Reception

Our theme this term is Creatures Great and Small


This term our theme is Creatures Great and Small. We will be learning the names of lots of different animals - those that can be kept as pets, those that live on the farm, those that live in the jungle and those that are not living anymore. 


The children are getting so good at working with their talk partners to think of ideas for challenges during Pupil Voice planning time and we will be encouraging them to come up with ideas of their own this term! Some of the books that we might read are Monkey Puzzle, Dear Zoo, Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs, Handa's Hen and the Gruffalo.  


 You can find out more about our possible range of activities in the 'Key Information' section under Topic Webs. 

Academic Year 2019-20


Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Croeso I Ddosbarth Miss. Hammett

Welcome to the Autumn Term in Reception

Our theme this term is Remember, Remember!


This term our theme is Remember, Remember. We will be listening to lots of stories and learning lots about Night and Day. We are going to start learning about the differences between night and day. We will be learning about Morning and Night routines as well as Old and New routines. We will look at homes now and in the past. This term we will be investigating shadows and how shadows are formed.  We are so excited to be learning new things! We will be planning some of our ‘Polly Time’ activities during our Pupil Voice sessions to ensure we have a say in what we want to learn!

We are trying so hard to learn how to write our names and how to form letters correctly in class so that we can be more independent with our work. It is hard work but we have a good growth mind set and have an ‘I can’ attitude.  Please help your children to practise writing at home.

Read, Write, Inc.

Currently the children are learning the RWI phonic sounds with Miss Hammett in class. We teach our children to read and write using the ‘Read, Write, Inc. phonic scheme. We have been learning a sound a day! In a couple of weeks we might go to a different class for this. Please make sure your children are in school on time so that they do not miss out!

Class Reminders

  • P.E is on a Thursday. The children need to bring shorts or jogging bottoms, t-shirt and trainers in a clearly named bag. Please name all items of clothing.
  • We like to listen to children read so if your child has been given an Oxford Reading Tree book please bring it to school every day with the blue home-link book.
  • Homework is sent out on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please return homework so that we can put the children’s work in their file.
  • Children have the opportunity to have Fruit and Snack in class every day. Fruit costs 25p a day, snack costs 50p a week. If you would like your child to have Fruit or snack you can send in £1.75 in on a Monday to be covered for the week. Please can this be placed in an envelope with your child’s name on. Thank you!

Academic Year 2018-19


Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Croeso I Ddosbarth Miss. Richmond


Welcome to the Spring Term in Reception

Our theme this term is Once Upon a time, Kings, Queens and Castles.


This term we will be learning all about Kings, Queens and Castles.  Our writing focus will be Instruction writing and poetry. We will have a Pupil Voice session each week, where we listen to a story and we get to choose our 'Polly Challenges' ourselves. We will hopefully visit a local Castle to find out how people used to live a long time ago.

We are trying so hard to learn how to write our names and how to form letters correctly in class so that we can be more independent with our work. It is hard work but we have a good growth mind set and have an ‘I can’ attitude.  Please help your children to practise writing at home.


Read, Write, Inc.

We teach our children to read and write using the ‘Read, Write, Inc. phonic scheme. We have sessions four times a week, Monday to Thursday.  We might go to a different classroom for this. 

Class Reminders

  • P.E is on a Monday. The children need to bring shorts or jogging bottoms, t-shirt and trainers in a clearly named bag. Please name all items of clothing.
  • We like to listen to children read so if your child has been given an Oxford Reading Tree book please bring it to school every day with the blue home-link book.
  • Homework is sent out on a Friday. Please return homework books before this so that a new piece can be stuck in.
  • Home – story books are sent home with a library book on Friday. Please encourage your children to draw a picture of their favourite part of the story and talk about what they liked. Please can these be returned on a Monday.  
  • We have toast/fruit each morning and a snack with our milk in the afternoon at a cost of £1.75 per week. (All funds raised helps our class buy lovey resources for us to use)



Information from Academic Year 2017-18




Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Croeso I Ddosbarth Miss. Slack a Miss. Hammett


Welcome to the Spring Term in Reception

Our theme this term is Creatures Great and Small


This term our theme is Creatures Great and Small. We will be listening to lots of stories and learning the names of animals that we see in the pictures. We are going to start learning about the differences between animals so that we can group them. We have decided during our pupil voice session that our Role Play area is going to be a vets…we are really good at looking after the sick pets! We will be learning about mini – beasts and going to look for them outside. When our butterfly dome arrives we will find out all about a life cycle. We are beginning to understand that we are a school in Wales and will be learning more about our Welsh identity during Welsh Week.  Ethel our ethical and informed porpoise is going to be so happy!

This term we will be investigating textures and describing what we see and touch. Miss. Slack will be teaching us the names of some percussion instruments, letting us explore how to play them and teaching us songs with actions that we can sing with others.

We are trying so hard to learn how to write our names and how to form letters correctly in class so that we can be more independent with our work. It is hard work but we have a good growth mind set and have an ‘I can’ attitude.  Please help your children to practise writing at home.

Read, Write, Inc.

We teach our children to read and write using the ‘Read, Write, Inc. phonic scheme. We have sessions four times a week, Monday to Thursday. Sessions start at 9.20am.  We might go to a different classroom for this. Please make sure your children are in school on time so that they do not miss out!

Class Reminders

  • P.E is on a Thursday. The children need to bring shorts or jogging bottoms, t-shirt and trainers in a clearly named bag. Please name all items of clothing.
  • We like to listen to children read so if your child has been given an Oxford Reading Tree book please bring it to school every day with the blue home-link book.
  • Homework is sent out on a Friday. Please return homework books before this so that a new piece can be stuck in.
  • Home – story books are sent home with a library book on Friday. Please encourage your children to draw a picture of their favourite part of the story and talk about what they liked. Please can these be returned on a Monday.  